Switch to hasFeature(), which seems perfectly suited for this.
Wed Oct 27 23:48:14 UTC 2010 pix@kepibu.org
* Switch to hasFeature(), which seems perfectly suited for this.
hunk ./form-to-http-auth.js 4
- if (this.className.match(/(\\s|^)natively-supported(\\s|$)/))
+ if (document.implementation.hasFeature("HTTPFormAuth", "1.0"))
hunk ./notes.org 61
-Instead, I propose that any browser which supports form-based HTTP Auth should
-add the class 'natively-supported' to forms requesting http authentication.
-This will allow sites to easily detect native support and avoid running their
-own JavaScript-based form-to-http-auth translators.
+Instead, it seems prudent to utilize the DOMImplementation hasFeature function.
+Thus, I propose a feature name of "HTTPFormAuth" and a version of "1.0".