Update notes file
Sun Jun 5 21:44:21 UTC 2011 pix@kepibu.org
* Update notes file
hunk ./notes 170
+Submitted. Was it ever accepted? Man, I don't remember.
hunk ./notes 181
+** Element structure templates
+For instance, sometimes it'd be nice to stuff the value of an attribute into a
+variable, like so:
+: (match #t(attr ("href" ?href) ("name" ?name)) "<a href='url' name='link'></a>"
+: (values href name)) =>
+: "url", "link"
+While it's certainly easy enough to do that using, say, XMLS-style lists, a
+general object-model-agnostic method would seem to be preferrable.
+** Layered functions so LHTML vs. XMLS support can be switched at runtime