Update notes to reflect updates to cl-unification.
Sun Feb 7 09:21:16 UTC 2010 pix@kepibu.org
* Update notes to reflect updates to cl-unification.
hunk ./notes 14
+ * named-readtables
hunk ./notes 35
+: (unify:enable-template-reader)
+: (named-readtables:in-readtable unify:template-readtable)
hunk ./notes 40
+(The latter two currently only work if you have cl-unification from my
+darcs repo.)
hunk ./notes 81
- "<div>I do <i>not</i> like cheese.</div><div><span>I like <i>cheese</i>.</span></div>")
+ "<div>I do <i>not</i> like cheese.</div><div><span>I like <i>cheese</i>.</span></div>")