Add some notes
Sun Dec 13 05:32:46 UTC 2009
* Add some notes
hunk ./notes 18
-it does not generally become useful until you have also loading an
+it does not generally become useful until you have also loaded an
hunk ./notes 78
- #id => elements with id of "id".
+ #id => elements with id of "id"
hunk ./notes 83
+NOTE: selectors are currently bound in parallel. That is, given
+ #t(html (<selector-1> ...)
+ (<selector-2> ...))
+selector-1 and selector-2 do not interact. If they are both "foo", they'll
+return identical results. I often find myself wanting to also say something
+ #t(html (<selector-1> ...)
+ (<element-after-selector-1> ...))
+Ideas for a syntax to distinguish between the two cases are welcome (:mode
+parallel) vs (:mode sequential), perhaps? (Or even adjacent, sibling?)
hunk ./notes 156
+Maybe special-case string/regexp-templates, so for example
+ #t(html ("div" (#t(regexp "f(o+)bar") . ?div)))
+would match [<div>foooobar</div>]?
+ #t(html ("div" . #t(regexp "f(o+)bar" (?o))))
+might cause some difficulty, however--we should get a list of matched elements
+for the div selector, but the regexp variable (?o) can only match once (without
+some wacky environment merging, anyway).