Add element-content as a prereq to matching on an element's textual content
Sun Dec 13 05:24:52 UTC 2009
* Add element-content as a prereq to matching on an element's textual content
hunk ./package.lisp 15
+ #:element-content
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 32
+(defmethod element-content ((element dom:element))
+ (mapcar (lambda (node)
+ (typecase node
+ (dom:element node)
+ (dom:text (dom:data node))
+ (t (error "Unsure what to do."))))
+ (coerce (dom:child-nodes element) 'list)))
hunk ./traversal/interface.lisp 16
+(defgeneric element-content (element)
+ (:documentation "Returns a string containing the contents of the element, if it contains only textual nodes, or a sequence containing all of the element's child nodes (textual nodes as strings, tag nodes as whatever they'd be under #'element-children).")
+ (:method :around ((element t))
+ (let ((val (call-next-method)))
+ (if (every #'stringp val)
+ (reduce (curry #'concatenate 'string) val)
+ val))))
hunk ./traversal/lhtml.lisp 27
+(defmethod element-content ((element list))
+ (cddr element))
hunk ./traversal/pt.lisp 24
+(defmethod element-content ((element chtml:pt))
+ (mapcar (lambda (node)
+ (cond
+ ((eq :pcdata (chtml:pt-name node))
+ (chtml:pt-attrs node))
+ (t node)))
+ (remove-if (curry #'eq :comment)
+ (chtml:pt-children element)
+ :key #'chtml:pt-name)))