--> -->
<class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>
Python 2.7.3: /usr/bin/python
Thu Apr 18 13:40:18 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /domain/repo.kepibu.org/web/htdocs/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi in ()
   2719         else:
   2720                 phash = None
=> 2721         do_annotate_plain(fname, phash)
   2722 elif action == "annotate_zebra":
   2723         fname = filter_file(form["f"].value)
do_annotate_plain = <function do_annotate_plain>, fname = '/README.org', phash = '20120308051558-50f04-2944eae06a1ddcc7570d07bb59b122db48c6a6ec.gz'
 /domain/repo.kepibu.org/web/htdocs/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi in do_annotate_plain(fname='/README.org', phash='20120308051558-50f04-2944eae06a1ddcc7570d07bb59b122db48c6a6ec.gz')
   2045 def do_annotate_plain(fname, phash):
   2046         print_plain_header()
=> 2047         ann = get_annotate(fname, phash)
   2048         for l in ann.lines:
   2049                 sys.stdout.write(l.text)
ann undefined, global get_annotate = <function get_annotate>, fname = '/README.org', phash = '20120308051558-50f04-2944eae06a1ddcc7570d07bb59b122db48c6a6ec.gz'
 /domain/repo.kepibu.org/web/htdocs/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi in get_annotate(fname='README.org', hash='20120308051558-50f04-2944eae06a1ddcc7570d07bb59b122db48c6a6ec.gz')
   1090         cmd += ' "%s"' % fname
=> 1092         return parse_annotate(run_darcs(cmd))
   1094 def get_readme():
global parse_annotate = <function parse_annotate>, global run_darcs = <function run_darcs>, cmd = 'annotate --xml-output --match="hash 201203080515...6a1ddcc7570d07bb59b122db48c6a6ec.gz" "README.org"'
 /domain/repo.kepibu.org/web/htdocs/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi in parse_annotate(src=<open file '<fdopen>', mode 'rb'>)
   1002                 s += fixu8(i).replace(' ', '^L')
=> 1004         dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s)
   1006         file = dom.getElementsByTagName("file")[0]
dom undefined, xml = <module 'xml' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/__init__.pyc'>, xml.dom = <module 'xml.dom' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/__init__.pyc'>, xml.dom.minidom = <module 'xml.dom.minidom' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/minidom.pyc'>, xml.dom.minidom.parseString = <function parseString>, s = '\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n'
 /usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/minidom.py in parseString(string='\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n', parser=None)
   1928     if parser is None:
   1929         from xml.dom import expatbuilder
=> 1930         return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
   1931     else:
   1932         from xml.dom import pulldom
expatbuilder = <module 'xml.dom.expatbuilder' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/expatbuilder.pyc'>, expatbuilder.parseString = <function parseString>, string = '\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n'
 /usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/expatbuilder.py in parseString(string='\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n', namespaces=True)
    938     else:
    939         builder = ExpatBuilder()
=>  940     return builder.parseString(string)
builder = <xml.dom.expatbuilder.ExpatBuilderNS instance>, builder.parseString = <bound method ExpatBuilderNS.parseString of <xml.dom.expatbuilder.ExpatBuilderNS instance>>, string = '\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n'
 /usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/expatbuilder.py in parseString(self=<xml.dom.expatbuilder.ExpatBuilderNS instance>, string='\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n')
    221         parser = self.getParser()
    222         try:
=>  223             parser.Parse(string, True)
    224             self._setup_subset(string)
    225         except ParseEscape:
parser = <pyexpat.xmlparser object>, parser.Parse = <built-in method Parse of pyexpat.xmlparser object>, string = '\ndarcs failed: Unable to "darcs annotate" here....`\nSee http://wiki.darcs.net/OF for more details.\n', builtin True = True

<class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>: syntax error: line 2, column 0
      args = ('syntax error: line 2, column 0',)
      code = 2
      lineno = 2
      message = 'syntax error: line 2, column 0'
      offset = 0