 1 #+(or fixme todo)
 2 (cerror "Continue anyway."
 3         "The author of \"Oh, ducks!\" tends to use #+FIXME and #+TODO to ~
 4          mark things as being in-progress.  At least one of these exists ~
 5          in *features*, which may cause unusual behavior.")
 7 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
 8   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'asdf-system-connections))
10 (defpackage #:oh-ducks.system
11   (:use #:cl #:asdf))
12 (in-package #:oh-ducks.system)
14 (defsystem oh-ducks
15   :version "0"
16   :description "cl-unification templates using CSS-style selectors"
17   :maintainer "pinterface <pix@kepibu.org>"
18   :author "pinterface <pix@kepibu.org>"
19   :licence "BSD-style"
20   :depends-on (:cl-unification-lib :cl-unification :cl-ppcre :split-sequence :alexandria)
21   :serial t
22   :components ((:file "package")
23                (:file "regexp-template")
24                (:module "traversal"
25                 :components ((:file "interface")))
26 	       (:file "selectors")
27                (:file "templates")
28                (:file "unify")
29                #+FIXME (:file "tests")))
31 (defsystem-connection ducks+closure-html
32   :requires (:oh-ducks :closure-html)
33   :components ((:file "chtml")
34                (:module "traversal"
35                 :components (#-lists-are-xmls (:file "lhtml")
36                              (:file "pt")))))
38 (defsystem-connection ducks+cxml
39   :requires (:oh-ducks :cxml)
40   :components ((:file "cxml")
41                (:module "traversal"
42                 :components ((:file "dom")
43                              #-lists-are-lhtml (:file "xmls")))))
45 ;; In case you're wondering, we check the inverse of the :lists-are-* keywords
46 ;; so, in the event you only load cxml (or chtml), and don't specify which
47 ;; format lists are expected to take, you get the appropriate list operation by
48 ;; default.