  1 # base configuration, common to all repos
  2 class base:
  3 	# location of the darcs logo
  4 	darcslogo = "darcs.png"
  6 	# location of the darcs favicon
  7 	darcsfav = "minidarcs.png"
  9 	# the CSS file to use
 10 	cssfile = 'style.css'
 12 	# this script's name, usually just "darcsweb.cgi" unless you rename
 13 	# it; if you leave this commented it will be detected automatically
 14 	#myname = "darcsweb.cgi"
 16 	# our url, used only to generate RSS links, without the script name;
 17 	# if you leave this commented it will be detected automatically
 18 	#myurl = "http://example.com/darcsweb"
 20 	# optionally, you can specify the path to the darcs executable; if you
 21 	# leave this commented, the one on $PATH will be used (this is
 22 	# normally what you want)
 23 	#darcspath = "/home/me/bin/"
 25 	# the text to appear in the top of repo list; this is also optional,
 26 	# and html-formatted
 27 	#summary = "I love darcs!"
 29 	# in case you want to change the beautiful default, you can specify an
 30 	# alternative footer here; it's optional, of course
 31 	#footer = "I don't like shoes"
 33 	# It is possible to have a cache where darcsweb will store the pages
 34 	# it generates; entries are automatically updated when the repository
 35 	# changes. This will speed things up significatively, specially for
 36 	# popular sites.
 37 	# It's recommended that you clean the directory with some regularity,
 38 	# to avoid having too many unused files. A simple rm will do just
 39 	# fine.
 40 	# If you leave the entry commented, no cache will be ever used;
 41 	# otherwise the directory is assumed to exist and be writeable.
 42 	# If you use this option you must set the "myname" and "myurl"
 43 	# variables.
 44 	#cachedir = '/tmp/darcsweb-cache'
 46 	# By default, darcsweb's search looks in the last 100 commits; you can
 47 	# change that number by specifying it here.
 48 	# Note that search are not cached, so if you have tons of commits and
 49 	# set the limit to a very high number, they will take time.
 50 	#searchlimit = 100
 52 	# If you want to log the times it took darcsweb to present a page,
 53 	# uncomment this option. The value should be a file writeable by
 54 	# darcsweb.
 55 	#logtimes = "/tmp/darcsweb_times"
 57 	# If you want darcsweb to automatically detect embedded URLs,
 58 	# define them here, using python-style regexps like the examples
 59 	# below. They will be replaced in summaries, logs, and commits.
 60 	# The following variables are replaced:
 61 	#   myreponame: repository link (darcsweb.cgi?r=repo)
 62 	#   reponame: repository name (repo)
 63 	#
 64 	#url_links = (
 65 	  # Format is: (regexp, replacement)
 66 	  # Some examples:
 67 	  #
 68 	  # Detect '#NNN' as a reference to bug database
 69 	  #(r'#([0-9]+)',
 70 	  # 	r'<a href="/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=\1">#\1</a>'),
 71 	  #
 72 	  # Replace hashes with commit-links.
 73 	  #(r'(\d{14}-[0-9a-f]{5}-[0-9a-f]{40}\.gz)',
 74 	  #	r'<a href="%(myreponame)s;a=commit;h=\1">\1</a>'),
 75 	#)
 77 	# If you want to generate links from patch author names, define the url
 78 	# here. Example for CIA:
 79 	#author_links = "http://cia.navi.cx/stats/author/%(author)s"
 81 	# If you want to disable the annotate feature (for performance reasons,
 82 	# the http connection will time out on slow machines), uncomment this
 83 	# option.
 84 	#disable_annotate = True
 86 	# If you'd like a wider range of README file types than darcsweb
 87 	# provides, set readme_converter to a program which takes a single
 88 	# argument--the name of the readme file--and outputs HTML.
 89 	#readme_converter = 'ruby -rubygems /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/github-markup-0.5.3/bin/github-markup'
 92 #
 93 # From now on, every class is a repo configuration, with the same format
 94 # There are no restrictions on the class' name, except that it can't be named
 95 # "base" (because it's the name of the one above).
 96 #
 97 # If you have a lot of repos and/or you're too lazy to do this by hand, you
 98 # can use the configuration generator that comes with darcsweb, called
 99 # "mkconfig.py".
100 #
102 class repo1:
103 	# the descriptive name
104 	reponame = 'repo1'
106 	# a brief description
107 	repodesc = 'Example repository'
109 	# the real path to the repository
110 	repodir = '/usr/src/repo1'
112 	# an url so people know where to do "darcs get" from
113 	repourl = 'http://example.com/repos/repo1/'
115 	# the encoding used in the repo
116 	# NOTE: if you use utf8, you _must_ write 'utf8' (and not the variants
117 	# like 'utf-8' or 'UTF8') if you expect darcsweb to work properly.
118 	# This is because to workaround a bug in darcs we need to do some
119 	# codec mangling and it needs special cases for UTF8.
120 	# You can, optionally, specify multiple encodings; they're tried in
121 	# order, and if one fails to decode a string, the next one is tried.
122 	# Example: repoencoding = "utf8", "latin1"
123 	repoencoding = "latin1"
125 	# as with the base configuration, the footer is also optional, and it
126 	# affects only this repository; if you don't specify, the one
127 	# specified in base is used (and if you don't specify one there
128 	# either, a default one is used)
129 	#footer = "I don't like being cold"
131 	# Each repository may show a link to some website associated with it.
132 	# This is typically useful if you've got a website describing the
133 	# software in your repository.
134 	#repoprojurl = 'http://example.com/projects/repo1/'
137 class repo2:
138 	reponame = 'repo2'
139 	repodesc = 'Second example repository'
140 	repodir = '/usr/src/repo2'
141 	repourl = 'http://example.com/repos/repo2/'
142 	repoencoding = 'latin1'
145 #
146 # If you have several repositories in a single directory and don't want to
147 # create a configuration entry for each one, you can use a "multidir" entry,
148 # which serves as a "template" for all the repositories in that directory.
149 # The name is taken from the directory, and inside the variables the string
150 # "%(name)s" gets expanded to the it. If displayname is set, "%(dname)s" gets
151 # expanded to it; otherwise it's the same as "%(name)s".
152 #
153 # If you set multidir_deep to True (note the capitalization) then all
154 # subdirectories are searched for darcs repositories. Subdirectories starting
155 # with a dot (.) are not searched. This may be slow, if huge directory trees
156 # must be searched. It's unnecesary unless you have a multidir with several
157 # nested repositories. It defaults to False, and it's optional.
158 #
160 class multi1:
161 	multidir = '/usr/local/src'
162 	#multidir_deep = False
163 	repodesc = 'Repository for %(name)s'
164 	repourl = 'http://example.com/repos/%(name)s/'
165 	repoencoding = 'latin1'
167 	# if you want to change the display name of the repositories (i.e. the
168 	# name it will have on the listings, urls, etc.), you can set it here.
169 	# You can use "%(name)s" expansion, see above.
170 	#displayname = "local/%(name)s"
172 	# optional, see above
173 	#repoprojurl = 'http://example.com/projects/%(name)s/'
175 	# if you want to exclude some directories, add them to this list (note
176 	# they're relative to multidir, not absolute)
177 	#exclude = 'dir1', 'dir2'
179 	# if you want the descriptions to be picked up automatically from the
180 	# file named "_darcs/third_party/darcsweb/desc" (one line only), set
181 	# this to True. It defaults to False
182 	#autodesc = True
184 	# if you want to exclude all the repositories which do NOT have a
185 	# directory named "_darcs/third_party/darcsweb/" inside, set this to
186 	# True. It defaults to False.
187 	#autoexclude = True
189 	# if you want urls to be picked up automatically from the file named
190 	# "_darcs/third_party/darcsweb/url" (one line only), set this to
191 	# True. It defaults to False.
192 	#autourl = True
194 	# if you want the projects urls to be picked up automatically from the
195 	# file named "_darcs/third_party/darcsweb/projurl" (one line only), set
196 	# this to True. It defaults to False.
197 	#autoprojurl = True