Update notes
Sun Dec 20 08:23:57 UTC 2009 pix@kepibu.org
* Update notes
hunk ./notes 29
hunk ./notes 38
+** Depending Upon in ASDF Systems
+It doesn't take long before managing your dependencies upon ASDF
+systems becomes easiest by creating an ASDF system for whatever
+project you're currently engaged in. It's important to note that, in
+addition to depending upon oh-ducks, you'll also want to depend upon
+whichever library provides your desired object model and parser.
+For example,
+ :depends-on (:oh-ducks :closure-html :cxml)
hunk ./notes 80
-The goal is to support all CSS-level-3 selectors. See the below
-section "To Do > Improve Selector Support" for a list of currently
-unsupported simple selectors and combinators.
+The goal is to support all CSS-level-3 selectors. See the section
+[[*improve selector support][To Do > Improve Selector Support]] for a list of currently unsupported
+simple selectors and combinators.