Sat Nov 21 16:12:13 UTC 2009
* Status commit
hunk ./chtml.lisp 10
-(defclass lhtml-template (html-template) ())
-(defclass pt-template (html-template) ())
+(defclass html-template (css-selector-template) ())
hunk ./chtml.lisp 12
-(defmethod document-parser ((template lhtml-template))
- (lambda (document) (chtml:parse document (chtml:make-lhtml-builder))))
-(defmethod document-parser ((template pt-template))
- (lambda (document) (chtml:parse document (chtml:make-pt-builder))))
+(add-handler 'pt 'chtml:make-pt-builder)
+(add-handler 'lhtml 'chtml:make-lhtml-builder)
hunk ./chtml.lisp 15
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql 'lhtml)) spec)
- (make-instance 'lhtml-template :spec spec))
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql :lhtml)) spec)
- (make-template-for-parser 'lhtml spec))
+(unless *default-parser*
+ (setf *default-parser* (rcurry #'chtml:parse (get-handler-for-model 'pt))))
hunk ./chtml.lisp 18
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql 'pt)) spec)
- (make-instance 'pt-template :spec spec))
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql :pt)) spec)
- (make-template-for-parser 'pt spec))
-(unless *default-parser* (setf *default-parser* 'pt))
+(defmethod make-template ((kind (eql 'html)) (spec cons))
+ (destructuring-bind (&key parser model)
+ (append (when (%spec-includes-opts spec) (second spec))
+ (list :model 'pt))
+ (make-instance 'html-template
+ :parser (or parser (rcurry #'chtml:parse (get-handler-for-model model)))
+ :spec spec)))
hunk ./cxml.lisp 6
-(defclass dom-template (xml-template) ())
+(defclass xml-template (css-selector-template) ())
hunk ./cxml.lisp 8
-(defmethod document-parser ((template dom-template))
- (lambda (document) (cxml:parse document (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+(add-handler 'dom 'cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)
hunk ./cxml.lisp 10
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql 'dom)) spec)
- (make-instance 'dom-template :spec spec))
-(defmethod make-template-for-parser ((parser (eql :dom)) spec)
- (make-template-for-parser 'dom spec))
+(unless *default-parser*
+ (setf *default-parser* (rcurry #'cxml:parse (get-handler-for-model 'dom))))
hunk ./cxml.lisp 13
-(unless *default-parser* (setf *default-parser* 'dom))
+(defmethod make-template ((kind (eql 'xml)) (spec cons))
+ (destructuring-bind (&key parser model)
+ (append (when (%spec-includes-opts spec) (second spec))
+ (list :model 'pt))
+ (make-instance 'xml-template
+ :parser (or parser (rcurry #'cxml:parse (get-handler-for-model model)))
+ :spec spec)))
hunk ./notes 3
-** working lhtml/xmls support
+** working lhtml/xmls support [1/2]
+ * [X] non-descendant cases (class, id, etc.)
+ * [ ] selectors involving descendants
hunk ./oh-ducks.asd 20
- ;; TODO: submit a patch for cl-unification to use
- ;; asdf-system-connections. Getting an unmodified version of
- ;; cl-unification to load the cl-ppcre stuff is a PITA.
hunk ./oh-ducks.asd 25
- :components
- ((:file "interface")))
+ :components ((:file "interface")))
hunk ./oh-ducks.asd 35
- :components (#+FIXME (:file "lhtml")
+ :components ((:file "lhtml")
hunk ./package.lisp 1
+(defpackage #:oh-ducks.functional
+ (:import-from #:alexandria . #1=(
+ #:compose
+ #:curry
+ #:rcurry))
+ (:export . #1#))
hunk ./package.lisp 9
- (:use #:cl)
+ (:use #:cl #:oh-ducks.functional)
hunk ./package.lisp 21
- (:use #:cl #:unify #:oh-ducks.traversal)
- (:import-from #:alexandria
- #:compose
- #:curry
- #:rcurry)
+ (:use #:cl #:unify #:oh-ducks.functional #:oh-ducks.traversal)
hunk ./selectors.lisp 25
- (format stream "#<combinator>"))
+ (format stream "#<~s ~s>" (class-name (class-of selector)) (matcher selector)))
hunk ./selectors.lisp 55
-(defgeneric find-matching-elements (selector elements))
-(defmethod find-matching-elements (selector (elements list))
- (nconc
- (remove-if-not (rcurry #'element-matches-p selector) elements)
- (reduce #'nconc
- (mapcar (compose (curry #'find-matching-elements selector) #'element-children)
- elements))))
-(defmethod find-matching-elements (selector (elements t))
- (find-matching-elements selector (list elements)))
+(defgeneric find-matching-elements (selector element)
+ (:method (selector (element t))
+ (flet ((find-in-list (elements)
+ (mapcar (curry #'find-matching-elements selector)
+ elements)))
+ (nconc
+ (when (element-matches-p element selector) (list element))
+ (reduce #'nconc
+ (find-in-list (element-children element)))))))
hunk ./selectors.lisp 85
+ (format t "cc:: el: ~s, s: ~s~%" (element-parent element) selector)
hunk ./templates.lisp 4
- ((parser :initarg :parser :initform nil) ;; subtype generally determines parser
+ ((parser :initarg :parser :initform nil) ;; subtype generally determines parser
hunk ./templates.lisp 8
-;; FIXME: split html-template and xml-template into the cxml/chtml stuff; then,
-;; split dom-template into dom-html-template and dom-xml-template.
-;; Actually, just ditch the subtypes entirely, and build new objects with
-;; a specified handler type.
-(defclass xml-template (css-selector-template) ()) ;; parses xml
-(defclass html-template (css-selector-template) ()) ;; parses html
+(defvar *model-handler-map* nil "A mapping between model types and handler functions.")
+(defun add-handler (model handler)
+ (push (cons model handler) *model-handler-map*))
+(defun get-handler-for-model (model)
+ (let ((handler (cdr (assoc model *model-handler-map*))))
+ (typecase handler
+ (null nil)
+ (function (funcall handler))
+ (symbol (funcall (symbol-function handler)))
+ (t handler))))
hunk ./templates.lisp 21
-(defgeneric document-parser (template)
- (:documentation "Returns a function which, given an unparsed document, parses that document into some sort of structure."))
-(defmethod document-parser ((template css-selector-template))
- (slot-value template 'parser))
-(defgeneric make-template-for-parser (parser spec)
- (:documentation "Returns a template of the appropriate type for a given parser.")
- (:method ((parser t) spec)
- (make-instance 'css-selector-template :parser parser :spec spec))
- (:method ((parser null) spec)
- (declare (ignore parser spec))
- (error "No parser specified.")))
hunk ./templates.lisp 24
-(defmethod make-template ((kind (eql 'html)) (spec cons))
- (destructuring-bind (&key parser)
- (if (%spec-includes-opts spec)
- (second spec)
- (list :parser *default-parser*))
- (make-template-for-parser parser spec)))
hunk ./tests.lisp 10
- (match (#T(html ("#id" . ?div))
+ (match (#T(html (:model lhtml) ("#id" . ?div))
hunk ./tests.lisp 18
- (match (#T(html (".fish" . ?divs)
+ (match (#T(html (:model lhtml)
+ (".fish" . ?divs)
hunk ./tests.lisp 31
- (match (#T(html ("div>i" . ?i))
+ (match (#T(html (:model dom)
+ ("div>i" . ?i))
hunk ./tests.lisp 37
- (match (#T(html ("div" ("> i" . ?i)
- ("span>i" . ?span)))
+ (match (#T(html (:model dom)
+ ("div" ("i" . ?i)
+ ("span" . ?span)))
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 3
+(defmethod oh-ducks::find-matching-elements (selector (element dom:document))
+ (oh-ducks::find-matching-elements selector (dom:document-element element)))
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 8
-(defmethod element-children ((element dom:node))
- (coerce (dom:child-nodes element) 'list))
-(defmethod element-parent ((element dom:node))
+(defmethod element-children ((element dom:element))
+ (remove-if-not #'dom:element-p (coerce (dom:child-nodes element) 'list)))
+(defmethod element-parent ((element dom:document))
+ nil)
+(defmethod element-parent ((element dom:element))
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 14
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 22
hunk ./traversal/dom.lisp 30
hunk ./traversal/interface.lisp 9
- (:documentation "Returns a sequence of element's element-children."))
+ (:documentation "Returns a sequence of element's child tags."))
hunk ./traversal/interface.lisp 11
- (:documentation "Returns element's element-parent element."))
+ (:documentation "Returns element's parent element."))
hunk ./traversal/interface.lisp 15
- (:documentation "Returns the tag name (element-type) of element."))
+ (:documentation "Returns the tag name (type) of element."))
hunk ./traversal/lhtml.lisp 9
- (cddr element))
+ (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (and (listp x) (keywordp (car x))))
+ (cddr element)))
hunk ./traversal/lhtml.lisp 27
-(defmethod element-attribute ((element-attribute symbol) (element list))
- (cadr (assoc element-attribute (cadr element))))
-(defmethod element-attribute ((element-attribute string) (element list))
- (element-attribute (intern (string-upcase element-attribute) :keyword) element))
+(defmethod element-attribute ((attribute symbol) (element list))
+ (cadr (assoc attribute (cadr element))))
+(defmethod element-attribute ((attribute string) (element list))
+ (element-attribute (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) element))
hunk ./traversal/pt.lisp 6
- (chtml:pt-children element))
+ (remove-if (rcurry #'member '(:pcdata :comment) :test #'eq)
+ (chtml:pt-children element)))
hunk ./unify.lisp 16
- (let ((val (find-matching-elements css-specifier document)))
+ (setf
+ env
+ (let ((val (find-matching-elements css-specifier document)))
+ #+(or) (if (null val) (cerror "continue" "null!"))
+ (format t "mel: ~s, css: ~s, tpl: ~s~%" val css-specifier template)
hunk ./unify.lisp 22
- ((unify::template-p template) (unify template val env))
- ((unify::variablep template) (unify::extend-environment template val env))
- (t (error "whoops: ~s, ~s" css-specifier template)))))
+ ((unify::template-p template)
+ #+(or) (format t "template-p~%")
+ (unify template val env)
+ #+(or) ;; FIXME: in the case of multiple items in val, this will only return one.
+ (loop :for element :in val
+ :do (setf env (unify template element env))
+ :finally (return env)))
+ ((unify::variablep template)
+ #+(or) (format t "variable-p~%")
+ (unify::extend-environment template val env))
+ (t (error "whoops: ~s, ~s" css-specifier template))))))
hunk ./unify.lisp 43
- (unify template (funcall (document-parser template) document) env))
+ (unify template (funcall (slot-value template 'parser) document) env))
hunk ./unify.lisp 48
- (unify template (funcall (document-parser template) document) env))
+ (unify template (funcall (slot-value template 'parser) document) env))