Tue Dec 13 14:12:44 UTC 2005 Alberto Bertogli <albertogli@telpin.com.ar>
* Small changes to do_atom(), make it validate.
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 22
+import email.Utils
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 237
+<link rel="alternate" title="%(reponame)s" href="%(url)s;a=atom"
+ type='application/atom+xml'/>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1727
- print """<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+ str_lastmod = time.strftime(iso_datetime,
+ time.localtime(repo_lastmod))
+ print """
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1734
- <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%(url)s/%(reponame)s;a=atom"/>
+ <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%(url)s;a=atom"/>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1744
- 'lastmod': time.strftime(iso_datetime, time.localtime(repo_lastmod))}
+ 'lastmod': str_lastmod,
+ }
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1756
+ addr, author = email.Utils.parseaddr(p.author)
+ if not addr:
+ addr = "unknown_email@example.com"
+ if not author:
+ author = addr
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1765
- <author><name>%(author)s</name><!-- TODO: parse it to get the email. Not obvious, darcs authors can be anything --></author>
+ <author>
+ <name>%(author)s</name>
+ <email>%(email)s</email>
+ </author>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1770
- <id>%(url)s/%(pname)s</id> <!-- TODO: find a better <id>, see RFC 4151 -->
+ <id>%(link)s</id>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1773
+ <content type="xhtml"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1776
- 'author': p.author,
+ 'author': author,
+ 'email': addr,
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1780
+ 'myrname': config.myreponame,
+ 'hash': p.hash,
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1786
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1788
- print ' <content type="xhtml"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p>'
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1802