Tue Aug 23 23:54:36 UTC 2005 Alberto Bertogli <albertogli@telpin.com.ar>
* Add author information in the RSS feed.
Thanks to Remko Troncon for the initial implementation; this is basically the
same with the logic simplified a bit.
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1200
+ # the author field is tricky because the standard requires it
+ # has an email address; so we need to check that and lie
+ # otherwise; there's more info at
+ # http://feedvalidator.org/docs/error/InvalidContact.html
+ if "@" in p.author:
+ author = p.author
+ else:
+ author = "%s <unknown@email>" % p.author
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1213
+ <author>%(author)s</author>
hunk ./darcsweb.cgi 1219
+ 'author': author,